Australia: not on site in Rotterdam
This morning, EBU announced that the Australian delegation will not be able to fly to Rotterdam for the Eurovision Song Contest. Due to the situation around COVID19, Australian participant Montaigne can not perform her song “Technicolour” live on stage in Ahoy. Instead, the live-on-tape recording of the song will be shown during the first semifinal, and depending on the results maybe again in the final. In an earlier stage, Sietse Bakker, executive producer of the Eurovision Song Contest, already stated that it would be difficult to get the Australian participant in Rotterdam. In an interview with eurovision.tv, Montaigne expressed that this does not make her very sad. “I have the preternatural ability to let go of opportunities that don’t come through. Like water off a duck’s back.” She will, however, keep on campaigning for the song. The fact that she will not travel to Rotterdam gives her the opportunity to follow the voting with her dearest friends and family.