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Eurovision 2021

Recap 1st Rehearsals Big 5 and The Netherlands

Today we have watched the first rehearsals of Italy, Germany, The Netherlands, France, United Kingdom and Spain. In our opinion the most impressive rehearsal was from Barbara Pravi from France, closely followed by Italy and the Netherlands. United Kingdom and Germany both had an okay  first rehearsal. Spain still has some work to be done. 

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1st Rehearsal Spain.

Blas Cantó starts his act, dressed in black, without music. He is alone on stage with a starry sky and moon in the background. Blas does not impress. Appears insecure, and this does not benefit his voice. There is work to be done for Spain. In Cooperation with Eurovision Artists Photo Credits: EBU

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1st Rehearsal United Kingdom

James Newman stands on a platform between two huge trumpets. He is dressed in black and wearing a long leather jacket. He is assisted on stage by 4 dancers in white. The act is cheerful and dynamic. Vocally, James is not completely stable in the bass. In Cooperation with Eurovision Artists Photo Credits: EBU    

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1st Rehearsal France. Barbara owns the stage!

Barbara Pravi is alone on stage in black pants and tank top, in a sober setting. Only 1 spotlight is on her. Not much is happening in the background, visual birds just fly through the image for a moment. The action and chemistry comes from Barbara herself. Her singing is amazing. She radiates dynamism and self-confidence. For the 2nd time today we asked ourselves: Did we just look at the winner of the festival? In Cooperation with Eurovision Artists Photo Credits: EBU

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1st Rehearsal The Netherlands. Jeangu Macrooy impresses.

Jeangu is dressed in a blue suit. There are also 3 backings on stage, including his brother Xillan. The background is colorful, with the text “You won’t break me” Jeangu appears confident and relaxed. Singing and dancing are an excellent match for the song, and are rock solid. Jeangu did not very well in the polls so far. We are curious if this will change in the coming days. In Cooperation with Eurovision Artists Photo Credits: EBU

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The Roop wants a yellow world tomorrow

Tomorrow, friday may 14, Lithuanian band The Roop wants everybody to colour the world yellow. This is what they stated on their instagram: Important message! We need your support! On Friday, May 14, we are announcing Yellow Wave Day! The greatest support and support is the unification of Lithuanians (and not only) all over the world. This is the day when everyone concentrates on sharing the THE ROOP song, video clip, photos on their social networks with the hashtags #LithuaniaGoesYellow and #Eurovision. This will spread the word about the world and introduce Lithuanian representatives to the competition. And in the evening of the same day, 8 p.m. (Lithuanian time), we invite everyone to play the discoteque song in their homes, yards, cars and start the biggest disco on Earth!” So people….. let’s get yellow! in cooperation with Eurovision Artists photo credits: EBU

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1st Rehearsal Germany. Wiggeling middlefinger on stage

Jendrik is dressed in a pink jacket and blue pants. He is assisted by 4 musicians / dancers, 1 of which is dressed as a “wiggeling middlefinger”. The background is successively blue, alternated with text blocks. The act is colorful, happy, busy and energetic, just like the song. Vocals are fine. The question is if  this will be very successful. In Cooperation with Eurovision Artists Photo Credits: EBU

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1st Rehearsal Italy. Måneskin rocks!

Måneskin’s lead singer, Damiano David, is dressed in silver pants, with a bare-chested. The drummer is placed on a platform. The lighting is mainly red and busy, which suits this rock act perfectly. You love it or you don’t, but this is a great rock act.  Is a top 5 listing possible? In Cooperation with Eurovision Artists. Photo Credits: EBU

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Update on Ukraine’s Kateryna Pavlenko

After feeling unwell on Wednesday morning (12 May), the lead singer of Ukraine’s band Go_A, Kateryna Pavlenko, had a PCR test for COVID-19, in accordance with our Health & Safety Protocol. As a precautionary measure, Kateryna did not perform with her band in their 2nd rehearsal. We are pleased that today was confirmed  the COVID-19 test has come back negative. Kateryna is feeling better and looking forward to performing on the Eurovision stage next week.

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Liveblog: press conferences 13 may

Today, we will also attend the press conferences again. We will keep you updated with this liveblog. Find out what the artists have to say. 16.52 Hurricane singer Ksenija says that the rehearsal was much better than the previous one. They had made some small changes, some new things. But this is just a minor thing compared to what we’re going to see in the semifinal. The ladies have just had an interview with Nikkie Tutorials, and have enjoyed it. She has the same energy as the ladies and they could imagine that Nikkie would be the fourth group member. As inspiration they cite Knez, participant in 2015 and the father of Ksenija. Furthermore, the ladies indicate that they see each other so often that they are just like sisters from time to time. They say something about each other’s clothes, for example.  16.24 Tv-presenter Koos van Plateringen, who is hosting the press conference, asks Daði Freyr’s wife Maria how Laura is doing. She is fine, says Maria. This needs some explanation: Maria is pregnant and the baby would be called Laura. “It’s a working title,” Maria adds. Minor changes have been made to Iceland’s performance, Daði Freyr explains. The camera is looked into at different times than before. The members of Gagnamagnið are not normally dancers except in Gagnamagnið. When asked about his favorite video games, he says that three Playstations, a Nintendo and a Nintendo Wii have been brought along. The secret of the green jerseys dates back to 2017, when the group took part in the Icelandic national final. Live instruments may not be used, so old computers were put on stage. The jerseys are a result of those computers. Daði promises new music in the near future. An album will be released in 2022. 16.00 The Moldovan Natalia Gordienko is feeling much better than after the first rehearsal. Everything went better, she is satisfied. With the first she was much more busy with all kinds of other things, now she could focus. She and Filipp Kirkorov drew attention to the fact that the song contains the longest high note ever (17 seconds). It must be said that every question put to Natalia was partly answered by Kirkorov. Natalia still gets the chance to thank everyone for all the support. She’s been dreaming about this for fifteen years; she shows a picture of her child and says that all dreams can come true.  15.29 Rafał notices that things are getting a bit more serious. He says he is almost ready for the semifinal. Rafał’s father was a wrestler, and he wanted to do that too. A few injuries forced him to quit, and he switched to the music. Yet he has no regrets: he would do it again rightaway. Talking about the rehearsals: moving a lot and then singing is difficult. If you keep moving, you feel like you need to take a deep breath. That is the biggest challenge for him. The timing for singing and dancing is also different, which makes it extra difficult. He also says that he is a man of the 80s and was inspired by it. There are several retro songs on his album, and this had to be a retro song as well. 15:07 The stage and act are fantastic according to Vincent Bueno from Austria. As far as he is concerned, there are still small details, but in fact the whole team is ready for the semi-final. Of course you are nervous, but that is part of the deal. Vincent enjoys every moment. Of course he goes for gold, but in his opinion it should also be enjoyed. The song is about a situation such as a funeral, breaking up, letting go. Vincent has three children, one of which is no longer with us. She is like an angel in heaven who is always with him. Vincent also plays “Amen” on guitar. That is typically how they like it in the Philippines: simple, with a guitar. So his background as a Filipino certainly helps him in his musical career. He also cites Filipino fans as very loyal fans. One of the journalists also draws attention to the fact that many Filipinos in Europe work in healthcare.  13.43 The Greek / Dutch Stefania says she is very happy with the second rehearsal. The first time she was still nervous, that was now gone. The dancers also did everything well. She says this act was exactly what she and her team wanted. She is the youngest participant. She doesn’t care, she’s in Rotterdam to have fun. She is 18 years old and this is her dream. In her outfit she feels like Jennifer Lopez. She feels Dutch because they go shopping but then don’t buy anything and then do it online. She feels typically Dutch because she is open and hospitable, inviting people to dinner immediately. She keeps her voice good by not worrying. That’s advice she got from her vocal coach. They work hard: Stefania practices her Greek, the dancers practice a lot, because in her opinion nothing goes without saying.  13.19 We try to get to know the stage, Benny Cristo from Czech Republic says. Benny is much more satisfied with today’s performance than the first rehearsal. Benny is vegan. He does not want to shout that out loud, but he does want to say that he thinks the food in Rotterdam is fantastic. There is a very good vegan restaurant next to the hotel. Another thing he brings up that he enjoys is sprinkles. Back to the song “Omaga” he announces that it will definitely be a party. He is happy with the rehearsals, which give him the chance to keep it going! A painful moment comes when he is asked about his Angolan roots: the marriage of his parents ended in a fight divorce and his mother especially did not want to be reminded of everything that is Angolan. Now Benny Cristo has renewed interest in

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