🇷🇸 Serbia: Pesma za Evroviziju first semifinal
Tonight Pesma za Evroviziju, the Serbian selection for the Eurovision Song Contest, starts. 14 songs will compete, 8 of them will qualify. The final will be held this Saturday. The show starts at 21:00 CET and you can watch it on the RTS YouTube Channel and on the Eurovision YouTube Channel. These are the contestants: Marko Mandić sings “Dno” M.IRA sings “Percepcija” Bojana & David sing “No No No” Lena Kovačević sings “Zovi me Lena” Saša Baša & Virtual Ritual sing “Elektroljubav” Martina Vrbos sings “Da me voliš” Fillari sings “Ko je ta žena?” Breskvica sings “Orlovo gnezdo” Hristina sings “Bedem” Ivana Vladović sings “Jaka” Chai sings “Sama” Zorja sings “Lik u ogledalu” Kavala sings “Vavilon” Keni nije mrtav sings “Dijamanti” Martina Vrbos took part in Croatian Dora 2010 (semifinal). Ivana Vladović was 5th in 2019 and 16th in 2022.Zorja was 3rd in 2022.