Albanian national final in open air this week
Tonight, the Albanian national final Festival i Këngës will start. This year, it will be a 3-day event with the same songs presented all 3 evenings. Due to COVID-19, Albanian television decided to have the contest in the open air. The three shows have been prerecorded, only the results coming in on Wednesday will be transmitted directly. Also due to COVID-19, one of the participants, Manjola Nallbani, had to withdraw. She tested positive. Tonight, there will be live performances of all the songs. The show starts at 20:35 CET and can be watched here. The songs and artists participating are: Agim Poshka – “Vendi im” Anxhela Peristeri – “Karma” Devis Xherahu – “Peng” Durim Morina (Mirud) – “Nëse vdes” Enxhi Nasufi – “Njësoj” Era Rusi – “Zjarri im” Erikson Lloshi – “Jo” Evi Reçi -“Tjerr” Fatos Shabani – “Ty” Festina Mejzini – “Kush je ti dashuri” Florent Abrashi – “Vajzë” Franc Koruni – “E morën botën” Giliola Haveriku – “E lirë” Gjergj Kaçinari -“Më jep jetë” Inis Neziri – “Pendesë” Kamela Islamaj – “Kujtimet s’kanë formë” Klevis Bega (Kastro Ziso) – “Vallja e jetës” Klinti Çollaku – “Do t’ja dal” Orgesa Zaimi – “Valixhja e kujtimeve” Rosela Gjylbegu – “Vashëzo” Sardi Strugaj – “Kam me t’ba me kajt” Stefan Marena – “Meteor” Viktor Tahiraj – “Nënë” Wendi Mancaku – “Si ajo” Xhesika Polo – “Më mbron”